How To Increase Facebook Page Genuine Likes?


How to increase Facebook page genuine likes? Is there any way increase 1000 Likes per day on my Facebook page?

1 Answer

Well, there are many ways to increase likes on your Facebook page, some are organic ways and sometimes we have used paid method.

Today we will discuss that which organic method we can use to get more likes on our Facebook page without investing our money.

Here are some #best practices for you and don't forget to give me your feedback

Create Your Facebook Page URL:- This will help you to index your page in Google search. For example page name I MYTirth When you search for it, it will come on the first page of Google.
Invite your Facebook friends:- Invite all your Facebook friends to like your page. Ask them to add the name of your Page to their profile or workplace. This will be increasing your visibility.
Add business page as workplace:- If your page is representing any company then add your page in your workplace and ask your employees to think the same.
Add Your Page to Email Signature::- Make your page address your email signature to increase people's engagement.
Invite Gmail Contact:- To like your page.
Sharing:- Today the market says: "Branding is all about looks" so people should know about your product. And this can only be done by sharing your Facebook page or product post with a simple interest group of people.
What you are posting:- Always post only what gets people to your page. Always format your content well with proper images.
Post Timing: Do not post continuously, it will make people jealous. Short post but great.
Time Analysing:- This is an important factor for us to always start at different times for our post, and then analyze at what time maximum people click on your post, always use this time for posting.
Live video or linking: Try uploading video to your Facebook page for more engagement and if possible do live video because Facebook sends notifications about your page to all your friends. If you are still having any problems you can call our Social media expert team for further process.



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