10 Tips For Website Performance Optimization


There are lots of activity for Optimize the website, which is most important for get more business and leads.
Here are the list of activities:

1) Optimize your images
2) Optimize your HTML
3) Reduce HTTP requests
4) Use text instead of images
5) Magnify scripts and CSS
6) Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
7) Cache your output
8) Avoid bad requests
9) Enable gzip compression
10) Choose infrastructure wisely

1 Answer

Website performance is absolutely critical. Your website visitors are becoming more demanding and less patient day by day. If pages don't load quickly, you risk losing them.

Here are ten quick tips that you can use to improve the performance of your website.

  1. Customize your images.
  2. Optimize your HTML.
  3. Minimize HTTP requests.
  4. Use text instead of images.
  5. Short script and CSS.
  6. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  7. Cache your output.
  8. Avoid bad requests.
  9. Enable GZIP compression.
  10. Choose infrastructure wisely.

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