Is It Possible For Any Website To Have A Bounce Rate Below 20%?


Is it possible for any website to have a bounce rate below 20%?

1 Answer

Bounce rates vary depending on the type of website and industry. Bounce rates for eCommerce sites range from 20 to 45 per cent, whereas blogs and portals can get away with 65 to 90 per cent. It's natural that most visitors to blogs and portals merely read one piece and don't need to stay on the site once they've found the information they need

Bounce Rate Limitations 
So is bounce rate always important? not enough. Like any other web metric, context matters. When the target page is a landing page where you want visitors to take action – add to cart or fill out a form – the bounce rate becomes a leading indication for eCommerce.

A high bounce rate can sometimes indicate a problem with your landing page if:

  • Content is irrelevant to user intent or is not clear enough
  • There is a problem with the page design
  • page loads very slowly
  • Page is not optimized for mobile

It is important to look at bounce rate along with other website usage metrics such as scroll depth. If people bounce off your page, but they normally scroll through more than half of the page, your page probably meets their needs, especially if it's an informational page.

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